
Hi I’m Tom, a self-taught mainly digital artist “painting”. I was born in Paris from a French father and a Japanese mother, I grew up in Tokyo, studied business, marketing and advertising in France (ESP) and the US (OSU). As my father was an art director in big corp. and a painter, while my mother was an art dealer, I grew up with a certain sense of esthetics between Tokyo and Paris.

Influenced by punk rock and the English new wave scene in my teens, having lived and experienced different cultures from a young age my art wants to break free from the conventional and established art scenes to create something new or at least different. I believe that the most important function of art is to create something “new”, and therefore at least try and not following an already existing path. That said we are all inspired by our past memories…

The main themes that emerge are fading memories, impermanence, and the coexistence or contrast of different worlds.

In a parallel world, I’m one of the founder of Miklr where I am a business development consultant and advertising/digital marketing expert and manage a forest health & therapy centre and retreats. I started at Dentsu Japan, founded one of the first web development company in Tokyo, and enjoy getting involved in all kinds of start-ups.